Friday, June 16, 2023

Astral Projection - Travel with your Soul

 Astral Projection 

Travel with your Soul 

Astral projection is actually I really wanted to address this aspect of the community which I think needs talking about and I know this might cause a lot of controversies, especially among other lucid you tubers and people that are more scientific logical minded however I do have a few things to say which I think all it should make sense for most of you all right so the reason that my main point here is this there are many phenomena in this world which science cannot explain that doesn't mean these things don't happen it just means science can't explain them and these are there are all sorts of things, for example, near-death experiences out-of-body experiences premonitions all kinds of things right which science just simply cannot explain at the moment that doesn't mean these things don't happen because they Do it just means that there isn't a scientifically validated way of proving them for whatever reason maybe science hasn't caught up maybe there's not enough interest or reason to fund such a study that's a big one right you've got to consider who actually funds these scientific studies in the first place often it's pharmaceutical companies or people with a financial motive there is almost no financial motive to prove astral projection and even if there were it doesn't mean that they would do it because it's just not as profitable as for example funding a study on a new drug you know or a new device or new technology that could potentially be sold for profit so that's my first point the second point is this consider lucid dreaming right and most of you have I assume if you're watching this channel or if you know if you teach lucid dreaming or if you have read a lot about lucid dreaming you know Israel because it's been scientifically proven right but if you were to and also I've seen because at least some of you will have had a lucid dream and so you know the experience is real because you have experience step right now this is very important if someone were to ask you in the nineteenth in the 1700s, for example, to prove lucid dreaming scientifically you wouldn't be able to or at least no one had done it yet the first official proof scientifically of lucid dreaming was in 1975 any time before that you paper people were still dreaming thousands of people throughout history have been lucid dreaming you now since the dawn of time but it was only scientifically proven in 1975 now that doesn't mean that lucid dreaming didn't exist before then it did and fountain probably millions of people had experienced it before it was scientifically proven the same thing is true of astral projection just because it's not been scientifically proven that doesn't mean it's not real and this is a huge distinction which I think so many people just misunderstand just because something isn't scientifically proven that doesn't mean it doesn't exist and this is you know that's probably the biggest example I can give of that you're so sure that lucid dreaming is real because you've either had it yourself even you've experienced it yourself or you've come across the study proving it's real scientifically but you could have experienced it before that study was released and just because of Eve even if there was no study proving lucid dreaming most of you watching this would still believe in the lucid dream because you've experienced it this leads me to point number three which is a very important one just because you haven't experienced something doesn't mean it's not real and it also doesn't mean that other people haven't experienced it and so you've got a look at the evidence you've got a look at the mountains and mountains of anecdotal subjective evidence from millions of people across the world throughout history who claim to have astral projects you can't ignore that just in the same way that before lucid dreaming was proven a fish there were also millions of people who had stories and experiences and you know knowledge of lucid dreaming before it was officially proven in a lab so for those reasons and for reasons as well like visible I personally had experiences which I could not attribute to lucid dreaming these are vastly different experiences which can only be described as something in a different realm of reality not lucid dreaming I know what Lisa dreaming is like I've you know I teach lucid dreaming astral projection is very different and I know this goes against.

As I've said previously because I made a video before I wasn't as open-minded I didn't really consider the points I'm making in this video I was just purely focused on what scientific studies are out there and what can be proven on paper in a lab I'm not gonna repeat myself but yeah just think about it just because something isn't proven or you've not experienced it doesn't mean it's not real and especially when I've since the making that video had personal astral projection experiences which cannot be explained by lucid dreaming you know I have to now make this video and say that I've changed my mind I know they'll probably be some hate for this video maybe not I hope there won't be because I feel like the audience and humanity as a whole is gradually opening their mind and becoming more conscious and aware and open to new ideas there will also be those of you who are so rigid in your scientific thinking that you have to see proof or evidence but I would encourage you to just consider the points I might be wrong but it's more likely that I'm right especially when you consider the millions of people who have also had an astral projection experiences I feel like we're missing the point here it doesn't matter if it's not scientifically proven because if

people are experiencing it why would they lie you know what and so okay so I'm going to end with this point and I think this is a significant one as well and a big argument that I feel will be made against this video is this the following how do you know that you didn't just have a lucid dream which you thought was an astral projection experience very good point and that's the point I made when I made my actual projections fake video the following reasons okay so firstly a vast a number of the people who have astral projected usually share a story which is a significant point or is a significant story which demonstrates something or an ability that could not happen in a lucid dream if we go by the scientific definition of a lucid dream it's all in our mind it's contained within our brain and it only happens to us therefore anything and I mean anything in an experience such as an astral projection which you know you would argue could be a lucid dream cannot have any link to the outside world and yet there are many stories of astral projectors being able to influence the outside world being able to communicate with people who later contacted them and said hey I felt like I should contact you today being able to gain information read information and all sorts of things which could not happen in a lucid dream the odds are like something like 10 million to one that anything would be reliable. 

Lucid dream and yet actual projectors there are many stories just reset just you know google them the second point and this is where I probably might lose a few of you but you've got to consider that astral projection is traveling through the astral well it's not you're not operating in 3d in the 3d diet in the third dimension okay you're operating the fourth dimension which is the temporal dimension we have three spatial dimensions and then one temporal dimension which is the 4th dimension we as humans in the 3d world move through the fourth dimension that we know as time in a linear fashion meaning we go from point A to point B we can't go backward we can't go back in time we can't go forward in time except at the standard rate of aging what we know is progressing through time or growing older now the idea or the concept behind astral projection is that your astral body can interact with for the time and go back and forward in time it can also travel through different dimensions and this is where it gets a bit confusing because you can have astral projectors astral projecting into a future version of the next room or a different dimension version of the next room and therefore you can get false positives false negatives etc when you're trying to prove astral projection it also doesn't help that most people who have experienced astral projection just haven't bothered to practice it or aren't that skilled at doing it and so you get a lot of stories that explain astral projection very well but you also get a lot of stories and this is important which describe astral projection as something that could have happened.

 In a lucid dream because the people either weren't skilled in astral projecting in the first place maybe it is their first or second time or and this is more likely they asked for protection in a different dimension or in a different timeline where things that would have proved astral projection are different because it's a different dimension or a different timeline so in order to prove astral projection and this is why I would encourage any of you who've had this experience to try and do is you need to practice it and you need to get so good that you can actually decide which timeline and which dimension to project into and then go into the next room read something off the bookshelf read something off you know the standard ways that you would say the scientific-minded among you would say well prove it go into the next room and read the words that I just wrote down on this piece of paper much more easily said than done because when you're astral projecting you're separating your subtle body from your physical body and that takes a lot of practice and skill it's very difficult to do very difficult far more difficult than lucid dreaming which is why I've only had a handful of astral projection experiences and thousands of lucid dreams however it is possible and it is learnable. 

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

FREE Google certifications Training


                                 Where to apply:

 How you can make over 100,000 dollars 
per year with free Google certifications so that you can start working from home. Some of the most in-demand Google tools out there for free and how you can learn that online at your own pace based on e-learning courses that have been developed by Google product experts.                                                                                                                                                                                                      Google product certified so that you can start making money with these skills. If we take a quick look at Google Trends, you're going to see that the level of interest for Google certifications has skyrocketed over the last couple of years.
And this is because more and more companies are looking to hire 
people like you who are very well versed and skilled into using Google tools, but also who can prove that level of expertize through certifications.
So you really want to stick around till the end, because in this video, 
not only am I going to show you step by step exactly how to get certified for free in these Google tools, but also I'm going to show you where to go and apply for jobs that are hiring right now that are all work from home jobs or online job opportunities that are looking forpeople like you who can offer skills and expertize in these Google tools.
I give you guys the best practical advice on where to find work from home 
jobs, remote job opportunities and how to apply to them. If that's what you're looking for, then please consider subscribing.
I have some really cool videos coming up that you don't want to miss. 
Also, please do me a huge favor and show some love to the like. Like, not only does it help with the YouTube algorithm, but it also gives me more confidence to keep doing what I'm doing and keep putting out videos like this one.
The first thing that you're going to need to do is head over to Google's 
skill shop. So obviously you can go ahead and Google search Google's skill shop, or you can go ahead and click on the link in the description box down below. So when you come to skill shop with Google Dot Com, this is basically the homepage for their entire program, and you can either go and explore the different categories of courses that they offer for free.
Do you pretty much anyone who's interested? 
It does not matter where you're based and which country you live in, or you can go head and head over to get certified if you already have the skills and you just want to get the certification.
Now, if you're curious what kind of skills you can learn for free, 
then what you need to do is go ahead and click on Get Started. What you're going to get is a list of all the topics that you can get skilled in.
Now, not all of them are going to be something that you want to spend time on.
They have Google Ads, Google Analytics marketing platform, YouTube, Waze Academy, Google for education, Google ad manager, authorized buyers and so, so on.
I would definitely suggest is that you 
at least focus on Google Ads, Google ad manager and ideally Google Analytics, and I'm going to go into details and explain to you why I believe these are really , really key for you to master if you want to go ahead and make money online and get online jobs and how you can do that. All right. So let's take Google ads as an example.
So as you come to the Google ads section, 
you obviously already see here Google ad certifications.
But if you want to build your expertize, you can go ahead 
and learn all the things that they show you here.
In terms of Google ad search, Google Ads display Google Ads VIDEO How to build on 
your Google ads, expertize, how to apply your Google ads knowledge and so forth.
Now, obviously, you can pick one that you want to specialize 
in and only go deep and learn that one thing. So Google ad search, for example, you can goand take all the courses that they offer here.
Or what I would actually recommend would be that 
you try to take as many as you have time and energy and interest in taking, because then you can claim and you would rightly be able to do so.
You can claim that you are fully certified, 
which is going to give you a lot more authority. And if you've watched any of my videos on how to get started when you're a beginner in terms of working.
From home building, that authority is incredibly important 
because it's really hard for people to trust that you're going to do a good job if you have no way to prove your authority.
And it's hard when you're just starting out, so having 
these certifications is definitely going to help you tremendously. So try and get as many as you can within that category.
So if you choose Google ads, then go ahead and take as many courses 
as you can from the Google Ads section.
If we go back, you can also go and learn Google Ad Manager, 
which is going to help you further, you know, expand your knowledge when it comes to Google ads.
Now, let's assume that you will have taken 
all of these courses, which, by the way, are free. And I'm going to show you right now how they're going to look like so you can take this course called drive advertising revenue with Google ad manager.
It tells you exactly what you're going to be able to know at the end of the course. 
So you're going to be able to set up an ad manager network.
You're going to be able 
to create inventory ad campaigns and creatives and ad manager traffic forecast and report on campaigns, manage quality control, manage inventory, pro grammatically manage ads using rules and protections with Google ad manager.
So pretty much everything you need to know in terms of how to use Google 
Ad Manager, you can get through this course, right? And as you can see, it's not going to take you a long, long time because each of these modules is like 1012 minutes, ten minutes, 21 minutes .
There's just one that is a little bit longer, 52 minutes and another one at 45. 
So literally, you can do this in, I don't know, two to three hours, probably. So you just go ahead and click on, get started and launch the e-learning course.
You will need to log in, but it is for free 
and it is not going to ask you to pay for anything. Now let's assume that you've taken the course and you now know everything you need to know about Google ad manager.
What you need to do is come back to the landing page 
for Google Skill Shop and go and get certified. OK. So when you go ahead and get certified, you can get the certification in Google ads, for example, you only need to go ahead and click on Google ad certifications and then search here for the topic that you want to get certified in and that you feel comfortable getting certified in.
And then go ahead and take the test so that you can get the certification 
that confirms your level of skill and your level of knowledge in terms of that specific topic.
Now, obviously, there are certifications that will be short test. 
There are others that are going to be a little bit longer, but even the longer ones, we're talking 20 plus minutes, so it's not going to be taking a long, long time for you.
And honestly, if you're really committed to start making money online and start 
getting jobs on some of these places that I'm going to show you in a minute. Then in a weekend, you can pretty much go ahead and learn all of these things and get certified in all of these things that you want to specialize in.
So now that we've taken a look at where 
you can find the courses, how to tap into this incredible pool of free Google courses that are designed by the Google product experts and how you can get certified for free in these Google products.
Let's take a look at how you can actually use these skills 
and the fact that you're certified to make money online. So we're going to show you a few places where you can use these skills to start making money right away.  And it doesn't matter where you're based.
So for all of my viewers that are not based in the U.S. 
or Canada or the UK, do not worry, this applies to you just as much as it applies to everybody else. So let's take a look. So the first place that I'm going to start with is one that I've mentioned many, many times before, and that is Upwork.
And the reason why I'm going to mention this one first is 
because it has the broadest set of job opportunities out there. I really like Upwork, especially for research purposes, 
because it allows me to show you the level of demand 
that exists for certain skills or for certain types of jobs.
So for today, I've actually gone ahead 
and filtered for Google Analytics as a skill. And as you can see, there are right now 5353 open jobs that are looking for people who are specialized in Google Analytics, which, as you've seen, you can learn for free and you can.
It's certified in for free in a matter of hours, basically. 
So if you want to go even deeper and filter further so that you can get the best jobs that you can possibly apply for, then make sure you go ahead and watch this video where I'm showing you in detail how to do this so that you apply to the right jobs for you.
Now some of you are going to tell me, Yeah, but Upwork, 
although they have so many job opportunities. Not all of them will apply to me or it's going to be really difficult to stand out because obviously they have over 18 million freelancers that are, you know, are active on Upwork right now.
So I get it. 
It's not as easy to stand out and start getting jobs immediately when you are not experienced or when you're just beginning your journey as a freelancer or, you know, to offer this kind of services. So I understand Upwork can be a little bit more difficult.
So another place where you can go ahead and find this 
kind of jobs right now is flex jobs. And another really, really cool fact about flex jobs is that they only have vetted job opportunities. So everything that you find on flex jobs is going to be something that has been pre checked and pre vetted by the Flex jobs team so that everything that you will be applying to is 100% legit and 100% trustworthy. 
one thing that I do recommend if you're going to go ahead and use flex 
jobs is to try and get at least one month of a paid subscription.
It's not a whole lot, and there's a link down below if you want to try that out. 
You can give it up after the first month, but you will find a lot of value in it and you will get access to a lot better jobs when you are able to do that.
Now, if you go to flex jobs, you just need to type Google Ads or Google Analytics. 
And as you see, I've filtered here for Google Analytics and work from anywhere because I want to make sure that I cater to all my viewers, no matter where you're based and if you're not based in the USA or Canada or the U.K., as I said, that is not a problem.
There are tons of jobs that you can still tap into 
that are basically work from anywhere. And as you can see right now, there are over 1000 jobs that offer work from anywhere conditions that are specifically targeting people who are knowledgeable and certified in Google Analytics. So definitely go and check out Flex jobs if you want to be able to tap into these hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of online jobs and the work from home jobs that are looking forpeople who are certified in Google Analytics.
Now, the third way that you can use these skills 
to start making money right away is on platforms like fiber. And the reason why I really like Fiverr, actually, and I've mentioned this many times before, it's no longer the five dollar or a gig type of platform.
It's really, really evolved tremendously in the last couple of years. 
The reason why I really like Fiverr is that when you go and create a Fiverr Pro account and you only need to qualify for for the Fiverr Pro account, then you are able to tap into opportunities that will allow you to charge a lot more.
So if we go and just search for Google ads on a regular 
profile, then as you can see, there are people who are charging 28 francs or you can consider the franc equal to a dollar is more or less the same thing.
But because I'm based in Switzerland, it shows everything in my own currency. 
So $28. $19. $28. $86, $57. So although these are not bad grades, and as you can see, these people have definitely made quite a bit of money because if they get 65 testimonials, then they probably did at least about 500 jobs or this person got 148 testimonials, which means they probably did.
I don't know. 
Oh, 2000 jobs, because usually you get one in ten or one in five people you work with to give you a testimonial on five or so. Pretty, pretty good demand for sure. But if you go to Fiverr Pro and go ahead and type for the same, so let's say Google ads, first and foremost, it gives you suggestions 
so you can go for Google AdWords. 
You can go for Google ads expert, Google ads manager, Google Ads account.
There is a lot of demand for anything related to Google ads, to be honest. 
Let's go for the generic term. OK, and now you see where it's at because there are people charging $239 or $146 or $861 and so on and so forth for jobs that you would absolutely be able to do yourself when you go through the free training that I showed you.
And when you get your Google certification, maybe you won't have 
the confidence to go after, you know, this kind of jobs from the beginning. But once you do a few of them and you've got some under your belt, you're going to definitely be able to go even further.
Now this is something that allows you to tap 
into a huge, huge pool of demand worldwide. And the reason why I really like these platforms is that they open the door for you to get leads anywhere in the world, and they don't limit you to your own community or your own state or country or city wherever you live in now.
If you want to have a face to face or personal interaction 
with the people you work with, you can definitely do that within your own community because pretty much any small business will need to use Google ads in order to promote themselves on Google and be able to draw in more people.
And I'm talking here about your beauty salons and your pet groomers 
and your pizza shops, and you know, pretty much any mom and pop shop, any small business or entrepreneur will want to have an opportunity to bring in more leads and generate more sales. And they often use Google as a way to generate more traffic, more eyeballs onto their online presence or more feeds into their stores.
And if you have the certification and you are trained in Google ads, 
you can absolutely go ahead and promote yourself among your local community. If that makes you feel a lot more comfortable, and if it makes you have the confidence to go ahead and offer your services with very little risk because at the beginning, you don't even need to charge necessarily for your services.
You can just charge for the amount that they want to put in the retainer 
and invest in Google ads afterwards. Once you've been able to prove the impact and the outcome of your services, then you can evolve your offering and be able to charge more for your services because you will also be able to commit to an outcome, commit to a result that you can generate for those companies, and they will be absolutely willing to pay you $100, $200, maybe $1,000 a month to manage their ad budget and make sure that you optimize their Google ads in order to generate more traffic into their business.
So definitely, this is something that you can learn 
for free, get certified for free and get started for free right now and start making money online and start working from home from the comfort of your own place without having to be in the nine to five environment and have the flexibility to do whatever you choose to do and to work with whoever you choose to work with.
these free Google certifications 
and making $100,000 or more per year from the comfort of their own home, I'm sure they'll be incredibly grateful, as am I. And as a sign of my gratitude, here's a picture of a very cute hedgehog.                                                                                                                                       <script async src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>



Astral Projection - Travel with your Soul

 Astral Projection  Travel with your Soul  Astral projection is actually   I really wanted to   address this aspect of the community   which...