The amazing Glass of water technique
The amazing water techniquewhich is very popularbecause people areasking me the question so I will have alook a little bit there because on mythe computer I have to open the questions soI will answer a little bit and will demonstrate as well the water technique how supposed to how you're supposed to do it because I'm sure as I saw the comment comments that you had already worked for many people for some people you know and it's quiet and it amazed me how fast actually work because I was trying to do it for me and it worked as well and but I was doing in different the way I was doing for myself in the way of healing and so when it works it works for me as well perfectly so the most important thing it's about setting your intentions and you can send more intentions you know what the way you need to do it whatI recommend it as well it's you can. Write a paper later and you know paperlater and you can put it underneath of the glass so so it will come inside you know the energy another part what is important as well it's sending your email intention and really how much do you want you to know so you can do with this way you know, I should shake the hands because of awakening the energy and then I just focus on the glass of water and the water it can be fully empty. Happy helpful it full half full fullglass is everything up - I'm thirsty so I put it full so so because I will drinkit then anyway another part it's setyour intention you know send your energyand you can send that and the know the glass the cup has to befrom the glass because the energy isgoing much morebut were faster into the water the wateris important because the water is aliveyou know some people are saying thewater is not from the top because of theflorid and everything I was actuallyworking with the topwater and wasworking for me amazing and very fast itwas I was healing myself because of theintention and everything actually Ithink it was one and a half-day and itworked perfectly for me so important isthe water people are asking me can be aswell the juice or tea or something elsenow I recommend it only water becausethe water is actually aliveyou know because the water is changedemotions I have it how do you feel tothis you know because when you put theword music to this the water willcrystallize different ways as well whenyou froze it so it's important how youhave you set your intentions for thisbecause the water will observe yourenergy and the energy will go inside soand when you will drink the water itwill go inside the energy of your ofyour intentions so it will go into yourwhole body and it will work much morefast and much better ShantaramSahar I don't know if I pronouncedcorrect the name but this person wasasking if it's possible to energize thewater in the glasswith Reiki intentions and then drink itII sure you can sendbecause you will send your energy inthere anyway and once you will work inwith your Reiki energy so you will send.
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